The seller's attitude towards the customer is disgusting. I don't like to write reviews, but this case angered me. The second time I go to this mazagin and the second time it's not respectful.
The store is not large, but everything important that may be urgently needed is present, and this is important if you need to buy such as bread, milk or cigarettes, etc.Let's just say we don't pass 10 out of 10 points
So far, a modest assortment, compensated by the goodwill of the staff. You can buy coffee from a coffee machine (not expensive, but it didn't look much like coffee, maybe you were unlucky). A little beer, drinks, milk, confectionery, vegetables, freezing. I hope that with the increase in the number of residents, the assortment will also be compacted
A so-so shop. Little. Cigarettes are only expensive brands. Apparently, the calculation is only for builders from neighboring buildings who cannot go to a larger store on the next street during work. :-(
It will probably close soon...As well as his neighbor-competitor nearby.The range and prices are just about nothing...It would be necessary to think about it, the owners, aw...