Накожные новообразования (бородавка, невус, кератома, гемангиома) до 0,5 см за 1 шт
25 Br
Пилинг поверхностный Crystal Peel
Гиколевая + салицилоая + миндальная + лимонная
80 Br
Пилинг поверхностный Mask Peel
Гликолевая + салициловая кислота
60 Br
Vbeam: удаление сосудов на ногах
Лечение купероза и сосудистых образований, удаление сосудов на лице лазером — эффективно и безопасно в медцентре Рошес
80 Br3 cm
Лазерная эпиляция подмышек
Эффективная лазерная эпиляция на аппарате Candela обусловлена сочетанием двух «золотых стандартов» — александритового и неодимового лазера.
Александритовый лазер ...
I don't know about who and for whom, but in my case, the laser rejuvenation procedure at the ROCHES medical center gave the very result I was waiting for. Now it has been 5 months and only now I can fully assess the effect. What I got as a result is a smooth complexion and a uniform skin texture, the absence of fine wrinkles and even of the signs, the skin is toned! I am satisfied and can recommend both the laser rejuvenation procedure itself and the doctor Andrey Mikhailovich, who gave me this procedure! Thanks!
I attended the Roches Medical Center. I visited the gynecologist Kudelko V.N., a very attentive and qualified doctor. She helped me figure out the treatment. I recommend it to everyone!!!
Radkevich Andrey Mikhailovich performed an operation to remove granuloma, did not even feel pain, after a week almost everything healed.
Thank you very much, and I highly recommend this medical center!