Great tractors! A good assortment, a truly fascinating showcase, car loaders/trailers/tillers. There is an installment plan and a loan/lease. Everything is fast and clear 👌 😍
They give a guarantee for all equipment, spare parts support and on-site service!
The test drive is generally a cannon 🔥🤩
It is definitely worth visiting / riding a tractor, the organization is excellent and the managers are responsive, they will help / advise)
I bought a potato planter. I found it through Avito, the prices are much lower than in Buryatia. The consultant is super, everything was explained normally (on order and delivery). Delivered safely. We will evaluate the quality in the spring))) Thank you very much!
I'll start with a minus sign, he's alone: it's a long way to get. But this is covered by the availability of free delivery to the city. Excellent management, well-coordinated team. Some pleasant impressions. And the equipment is a level above the competition.
A good range of minitractors and components. Cool consultants, they will tell you everything and show you. Of course, the road to them is a living hell, as after the bombing....
Здравствуйте!!!!Купили мини трактор Rossel xt152d,сразу могу сказать навесное всё полное г...но,сразу надо переделовать и переваривать. На счёт самого трактора- мотор вроде ничего,но обламливает каленвал,да и так нюансов очень много. А на гарантию можете не надеятся, т.к.все выставляют по Вашей вине и ничего доказать не возможно.Люди не пакупайте эту технику ,не видитесь на красивые рассказы о ней.