A good store, friendly sellers, will always advise high-quality and fresh products. The seller Rose is the best. The girls from the wine factory are also on fire, the service is fast, the well-thought-out location of departments, there is no crush, a lot of space, our courtyard mini-supermarket.
Everything you need can be found in one store, groceries are always full, drinks are also available, and chicken is always fresh, and the service is very good. But in the vegetable store, the prices do not match the product, the vegetables are always terrible on their last legs, pomides, pepper, it feels like vegetables are always walking from the supplier themselves to the store. And the price of vegetables is space.
The store wasn't bad, but it was expensive. And suddenly I don't want to go there anymore! Why? Because the sellers suddenly became very rude, especially Olya from the bread, milk, etc. department. I did not expect such rudeness and rudeness! After that, other sellers began to behave, so to speak, incorrectly and rudely! Well, God be with you! Thank God this is not just one Store in the area!😉