I bought a beef sausage for you the other day. The sausage was opened all in bubbles , loose ! Listen, well, you can try to produce better quality at least a little bit, you don't cook for dogs!!! If it were cheap , you could close your eyes . Have you even tried it yourself?
The products of the Pavlodar Rubikom company have long established themselves in the space of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A huge range of meat products (sausages, smoked meats, meat delicacies, sausages, sausages) is presented in the store on M. Gabdullina street. However, the prices leave much to be desired, since in large supermarkets the price of the same products is lower (here is a paradox, the store is branded, which implies prices from the manufacturer). The delivery of products is carried out three times a week. Always fresh meat (pork), the prices of which practically coincide with the prices on the market. I think that in order to attract customers, store managers need to reconsider their pricing policy.