The garden is wonderful, they have been waiting for a long time to equip it for recreation. It's a pity that the benches are not equipped with backs - you can't sit for a long time, and when you walk with a stroller, sometimes you want to sit longer. The gravel surface is not very convenient for a stroller (the stroller jumps on it and the child does not sleep). I would also like lanterns in the garden so that you can walk there at night, but it is clear why they are not put up (as I understand it, so that dubious companies do not gather there at night). The garden is nice just to walk through it. But I don't walk on it with a baby in a stroller, which is a pity.
It is very beautiful and original at any time of the year: blooming and delicious-smelling in spring, shady and cool in summer, golden in autumn, smelling of apples and the inevitable, and ringing white and deserted in winter.