Молебен совершается на практически любую человеческую нужду: и перед началом любой работы, и на строительство дома, и в случае болезни близких, и, конечно, как благодарность за Божью милость.
15 Br20 pcs.
Записка о здравии
В записке «О здравии» мы упоминаем всех, кому мы желаем здравия, спасения, добра, благоденствия. Понятие «здравие» включает не только здоровье, физическое состояние человека, но и его духовное состояние, благополучие.
5 Br20 pcs.
Записка о упокоении
В записке «О упокоении» мы поминаем усопших и просим у Бога прощения их грехов и упокоения в Царстве Небесном.
The temple is beautiful.
There are a lot of prayers sung during the service.
Mother has the ability to organize chants, it is very pleasant.
The atmosphere is filled with awe.
Thank you for your efforts.
With respect to the parishioners of the city of Ivye.
Thanks for watching my review.
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It's all good. The father treats everyone very kindly. In winter, the church is warm, the heating is working. There is a Sunday school where you can leave your child if he is tired of a long service. The territory is also well-groomed and gentrified.
Although it is quite new, it is a very good temple! We were at the service and were very impressed. It may not look like rich or ancient temples, but the service is served conscientiously, beautifully and attentively. The child and I, as strangers, were politely and prudently approached and told which shrines it was desirable to approach, explaining their history. For which we are very grateful. The attitude was attentive, polite, which is very nice! We will be in Ivye - we will be glad to visit this temple again! God's help to his clergy and parish!