It's just awful!!! It stinks of whips, they're kind of stoking their stove. Of alcohol, only everything is cheap for these same scourges. They're always hanging around the stall. In the store, they don't even accept a QR code, they say that in principle in cash, probably somewhere the sellers are quietly winding up the prices. The store is figuratively speaking a la the nineties, for the scourge.
Do you want to buy vodka at any time of the day? This way for you. You are a schoolboy and you have run out of cigarettes - they will help you here too.
Drunks and bums are always gathering in this place. The store always stinks of some kind of booze. The seller seems to serve normally, but the assortment leaves much to be desired
I don't like everything anymore.In the evening, prices are inflated for everything in a brazen manner.Selling through the window, prices are not visible.