I don't have enough words to describe my disappointment after visiting the Saltanat shopping center. This is nothing but pure mockery on the part of the owners, who actually sell cheap Chinese goods at fantastically inflated prices. I feel cheated and disappointed by such a disgusting experience.
Instead of offering authentic and high-quality goods, they have filled their shelves with low-quality products that can be bought in any nearby market for much less. Absolutely everything they sell is of low quality and bears the label "Made in China".
Not to mention the prices! It seems to me that the owners of the Saltanat believe that we, the visitors, have unlimited funds. But this is not the case. In fact, the prices of their goods are inflated and absurd. I am not ready to pay such inflated prices for a fake that can be found much cheaper and with better quality.
In addition, the service at this mall is somewhat disappointing. Sellers do not show any interest in customers, their attitude towards customers leaves much to be desired. They either ignore you or persistently impose their products, even if it's not what you need.
I sincerely recommend that everyone avoid this mall. There is nothing here worth spending your money and time on. They are just playing on our emotions and hopes to deceive us and get our money in return. Don't get fooled by this trick. Visiting the Saltanat will bring disappointment and only empty wallets.
Ни каких условий. Даже зимой нет горячей воды. Отопление дают позже всех,на всем экономят. Продавцы все простужены. Напоминает базар, а не торговый дом.