The hotel is very nice, clean, smells nice, quiet, calm, the staff is very pleasant, polite, there is a room for prayer nomozhona, there is a takhorotkhona, the air conditioning is cool everywhere. The weight of the character is super!!!! But the kitchen is not very good, the food is very expensive, please make the food a little cheaper!!!!!!! We lived as a spouse for 10 days at work, everything is well satisfied, thank you for your work!!!!!
Само Навоийдага Энг Зур етокхона орзон ва сифатли 4,5 йилдан бери Навойга борсам шу етокхонада етаман етоги,нархи,ходимларининг муомиласи хуллас 10 баллан 10 куйяман