Good day to everyone who reads my review.
My review of the sanatorium "Chimen" in Ferghana in the village of Langar, to be exact.
In Yandex maps, the name is not written correctly, not Chimion, but Chimen.
My mother and I are currently resting and being treated at this sanatorium "Chimen" for the first time. It's August 2024.
Basically, everyone comes here because of the hydrogen sulfide source, respectively, baths from it.
Let's start with the good stuff.
Well, what can I say, the nature here is beautiful. But it is not easy to breathe, for example, as in the mountains. Hot.Stuffy.
The territory is large, but it is not fenced, come in who you want.
There are fountains for watering lawns , but they are not turned on for watering and humidifying the territory .
It can be seen that the sanatorium was built back in Soviet times, for which I thank that time and build.
It's like you're in the 80s here.
Of the advantages, the most important thing is a hydrogen sulfide therapeutic source, the only one in the republic for the treatment of joints. But for some reason it smells strongly of oil and the water in the baths is blackish. The smell of oil and hydrogen sulfide settles on the skin. Jewelry , jewelry, silver must be removed during the procedure, otherwise it will turn black.
We recently visited Azerbaijan (Lenkoran sanatorium), too, with hydrogen sulfide baths, there was no smell of oil, but only hydrogen sulfide and the water in the baths was clean. So there is something to compare it with.
Also in the sanatorium "Chimen" there are mud treatments, such mud bags wrapped in gauze - mud soaked in hydrogen sulfide, they say these two procedures help well with pain in the joints and spine.
But there are many other physio procedures.
Cons there are a lot of people at the moment 850 people, 10 days ago they said it was 1250. The queues for procedures are huge, you wait for the procedure for hours in stuffy, humid corridors without air conditioning with a huge crowd of people.
Many procedures are paid.
The doctor writes free procedures every other day, if you want to pay at the cashier or the girls every day. The benefit is not very expensive, but still the sum turns out to be decent.
The average food is not very tasty, monotonous almost all the time, the similarity of cutlets (meatballs) with a side dish is given, not tasty.
The meal time is not thought out:
Breakfast 7.30 Lunch 12.30 dinner 17.30. Which is not very convenient for me personally.
Staff and nurses in many departments are rude and ill-mannered (e.g. intestinal irrigation, massage, and others)
But we were lucky to have a doctor named Hilola (1st building), very competent and friendly. Thank her very much.
There is no air conditioning in the rooms, nor in the corridors, not in the departments of physio procedures.
It is uncomfortable, stuffy, and nervous to receive treatment due to long queues.
And now about the pool, which, after 10 minutes of being there, I completely refused to go to. More than half of the women come here without swimsuits, in underwear from the street, without changing their underwear and without taking a shower. It's just a tin can. I can imagine how unsanitary the water is. Two people managed to swim in their underwear with bare breasts.
I've been here a week and the impressions are still like this.
Among the advantages, they sell a lot of fruits, honey, dried fruits, goat's milk on the territory.
In the evening, the concert and the national disco lasts sooooo long.
The staff recommends that you come here better in autumn or spring, when there are few people.
We lived in the first building, in an ordinary non-luxury room.
The toilet and sink and shower are in one small room, there is a shower, but there is no stall, when you bathe the whole room with a toilet becomes a puddle, you will have to wipe the floor yourself. The photo shows that there is a shower in the wall, but there is no stall.
As for the treatment with hydrogen sulfide baths, my mother had a severe exacerbation on day 4, she could not step with her foot, there were severe pains in her knees, they said there were cases of exacerbation, which would get better later. We're waiting.
The price of the ticket cost 3 million 900 thousand for 12 days.
There are suites and semi-suites a little more expensive.
March 13, 2024
I would like to express my deep gratitude and appreciation to the staff of the 4th block of the sanatorium "Chimen" for their high professionalism in their work and attentive attitude to vacationers.
I would especially like to emphasize the high competence and care shown by the Head of Department 4 of Block Gaybumaev Iler Odilovich, as well as Kushmatova Zulaykho Abdukarimovna, Umarova Munira and Madine Holikovna, Ismailova Munisa Mukhamadovna, Husanova Mukaddam Mansurovna, Shojonova Shakhlo Namovna and Saidhuglaeva Shakhnoza Rahimovna.
The procedures are carried out at a high professional level.
Vacationer Fayazov Ilhamzhan
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