Sanatorium deep scoop, food is rubbish, if anyone wants to lose weight, feel free to go.treatment-physiotherapy, mud there, dorsanval, baths, on the 4th floor in general, the territory borders with broken buildings, in short, the feeling of abandonment, my room resembled a monk's cell in size and comfort, the beds are squalid, it is uncomfortable for a tall man.the sanatorium does not even have its own beach, the territory is open, everyone goes to the sea, horse and foot, after the Adler sanatorium it was unusual for me.there are a lot of skinny friendly cats running around the territory, which pleases, you can feed them with sliced meat from the dining room, because a normal person is unlikely to eat it because of the shitiness of the short, the sanatorium was probably not bad for years in the 60s and 70s, and now all this is being miserably exploited practically without investing a penny and saving on everything.I liked the sea, I caught crabs and rapans, but I can't compare it with the Mediterranean and the red sea at all.I got the ticket for free, I would never have gone for my money.the territory of the sanatorium in places resembles a landfill and is packed in the truest sense of the word.I can get too drunk, but I have not seen this in Russia.