In the sanatorium, the hygiene side is low, patients continue to lie down on one pillow, one pack, without washing their baths, if you mention the shortcomings, they do not listen. The procedures included in the putevka are very limited.
The territory is large, with abundant vegetation and fruit trees, apples, nuts, pears, grapes, etc.
I definitely won't go there the second time, physiotherapy is ordinary, such procedures can be performed in an ordinary polyclinic, there is no Internet, there is nothing to watch on TV, there are no Russian-language channels, there are no ATMs, as well as terminals to replenish or withdraw money,many people who are over 80 years old and many people want to lie down and rest in the evening,but the disco starts right under the windows and the music screams right up to 24.00. The rooms are not comfortable, old paint is visible on the walls,