It opened solemnly and works well, but: Prices are off the charts, and since there are other shops nearby, it's better not to go to Santa, midges and flies are flying around the department with vegetables and fruits, and bananas are literally moldy! I took bananas, a stack of 7 bananas, well, I think I'll take it, I look, and there the mold grows minus 2 points, the doors and self-service counters often do not work, even though they are being repaired.
A good store, always a bunch of different fish, shrimp, enough meat, ready-made products, a large selection of wine, whiskey and beer, convenient, medium workload and small queues.
This store is located in the middle of Shabans, so the whole area uses the services. The assortment is standard, but there are also pleasant little things that made me a regular customer. I would like a little efficient service in the meat department and finished products. I think if pizza and sushi production were left, then there would be a third more customers.