Biology teacher Daniyar Yeraganilievich (I hope he wrote correctly) is a wonderful teacher, cheerful, tells stories from life, but also does not forget to teach, in general, a cheerful person. The rest of the teachers are normal, there are a couple of nasty ones, but this is the case in many schools.
The school is not bad. The daughter is finishing it, the son is still studying. Good condition of the school premises, friendly teaching staff, the presence of Sunday national classes (where children of different nationalities study their native language and traditions of their people - optional). the quality of knowledge is good. But of course they devote more time to public life at school (the participation of children and teachers in various public events of the city and region) sometimes, it seems to me, to the detriment of the school. Director Lyazzat Zhumagulovna is a very sociable and adequate leader, constantly meets and accompanies children at the entrance to the school. you can come up and ask any question. The children are happy with the school,