Great school. The best director, Natalia Ashotovna! I was lucky enough to study with Burkova G.V., Maltseva G.V., as well as with Deanna V., God grant them good health. My homeroom teacher was Sachina Rosa Pavlovna, God rest her soul, there will be no more teachers like her. Further, after the death of Rosa Pavlovna, Anvarovna Dilorom Saidalievna, the kindest teacher, took over for us. I always remember with a smile.
The school is just great! I want to single out Shaira Musakhanovna, the most beloved teacher, and in general, all the teachers and the director are good! I can make Anna Vasilyevna, Inna Viktorovna, Svetlana Vladimirovna out of the teachers. These are very strong teachers, I am grateful to everyone!
Hello everyone!! I do not know how it is now! But I studied at this school from 1st to 11th grade. In my time, all teachers were from God. Galina Vladimirovna Maltseva algebra geometry teacher who explained the lesson topic after explaining it, there was no need to open the textbook. The class teacher was Khudobina Lyubov Vasilyevna - German. Then Natalia Viktorovna - there are no words for biology at all. Gorbacheva Lidiya Ivanovna - history. Ivanova Lyubov Ivanovna Russian, literature. And all the teachers are just super