A lot of interesting things and a lot of different things are connected with this school, I studied there until 2014, now I accidentally pass by and see how the school has improved. Elena Yuryevna, Elizaveta Dmitrievna, Robiya Abdukadyrovna, Oksana (history teacher), Ellochka, you are the best!
It's a great school. One of the best schools in Tashkent. The strongest teachers. I especially adore Robiya Obdukadyrovna, a teacher of the Uzbek language; Elizaveta Dmitrievna, a teacher of art and drawing; Elena Yurievna, a teacher of Russian language and literature 😍
He studied at this school from 99 to 2003, Homeroom teacher, mathematics teacher Tatyana Nikolaevna Martynova. I also remember the drawing teacher, Elizaveta Dmitrievna, good teachers.
I study next to her and I will not say that the education there is better. Many children came to us from there and they all lag behind in development looking at us