The school is relatively the best compared to other schools. If your child gets to a strong teacher, then your child will have knowledge. With German also, there are very strong teachers, if you get to them, you are lucky. My children graduated from this school. The staff and I were lucky. We have a strong mathematician, a physicist, Germans are strong, and the Russian language and literature, historians are very strong, computer science is cool, and most importantly, the children received diplomas and enrolled in the German academic College. At the moment, they are studying at top universities in Germany. And I want to say one thing, the one who studies, he studies at 60, and the one who does not study, he looks everywhere for a reason not to study. Whatever it was, the students of the 60th school compared to the rest of the students, even if they are half a step higher. Everything that my children received at school later helped them adapt to Germany. So the choice is yours. And I wish the school to keep its status.
Учился в этой школе с 92 по 99 годы. Отличные учителя, кстати директор и тогда была Некрасова Т.П., преподователь немецкого Мари Исаковна, Чудаева С.И., физру преподавал Юрий Дмитриевич, математику Лидия Петровна, а историю Любовь Павловна. Первая учительница - Ольга Александровна!!! Школа очень хорошая , переехав в другую страну, в другой школе и городе занимал первые места на олимпиадах по немецкому языку. Считаю именно эту школу своей единственной и родной!