Not a school, but a place where people with broken minds are gathered. Teachers, head teachers, and the principal have gone. Good teachers could be counted on the fingers of one hand, and now even they have quit. All is forgiven to some, nothing to others. The attitude of teachers towards students is disgusting, few students are treated well, and not all of them. They get to every little thing in a school uniform, it's not that wrong. the head teacher, whose face is plastered harder than all the walls and ceilings of this school combined, tried to erase the "shadows" from the unpainted girl. Anything from socks to a haircut can be disliked in appearance. When explaining that there is no resolution fully regulating the appearance of students in public schools in the Republic of Uzbekistan, cries begin that this is regulated by the school charter. When asked to show this school charter, a showdown begins for the entire school, starting with calling parents and ending with trips to the Uchtepa district police department. Again, this is all selective. The favorites of teachers and principals are not included in this caste of the omitted, one can become a favorite only by being born either into the family of teachers / head teachers / principals, or by being born into the family of close friends of the same people. There is a shortage of teachers, subject specialists are replaced by other teachers, who most often do not know about the subject they are replacing. Some teachers don't teach anything for whole quarters, they don't give grades, and by the end of the quarter they yell that the children don't know anything and no one has grades. Thank God they don't collect money for curtains every week like in some other schools. In the cafeteria, you'll be lucky if you don't get an intestinal infection, there are a lot of cases when children have been treated for months after the cafeteria. A good girl used to work at the medical center, now she's lucky if they even look at the child, most often there's no one there at all. As a treatment, they send you to the dining room to drink tea from a dirty, unwashed mug, whether it's a cold or a sore leg. In general, broken people break other people, and the director tries to show off everything except the quality of education. These problems exist in many schools in our country, but some teachers are more understanding and are specialists. I would also like to mention the computer science teacher Feruza and the school psychologist, the city psychiatric hospital has been waiting for them for a long time. Good teachers include mathematics teachers Viktor Alexandrovich Barsukov and Elena Viktorovna Kepp, and history teacher Sevara Zokovna.
The principal and the teachers are great.Recently renovated, the school has become very beautiful.The children are all well-mannered and good.The basketball and volleyball arenas are generally super.