An ordinary school.poor class distribution based on nationality. Where there are fewer students by nationality, those are crushed by their own students.
The school is really very good, but personally I think that many technicians treat students with some kind of malice, although this is not the main disadvantage, the main disadvantage is that many teachers are not particularly eager to ask a student who really wants to answer, but they ask any children except the same children who want to answer (although they do not all teachers)
And so the school is great!
The school is not bad. But for some reason the teachers
they began to underestimate their academic scores. Thus, the child's incentive to the subject is simply killed. And so the lessons are dry , so they also reduce the score . Holidays and events are not held at all for the middle management. Children are bored . Not athletic, not any kind.
A great responsive kind team! Top-level teachers. Two teachers have developed a textbook on the Russian language, which this year children all over Kazakhstan will study using this textbook. This speaks for itself about this school. The score is 10 out of 10.👍
I study at this school and it's the best!
In it, every teacher knows his job, very good exam preparation...
every teacher worries about each student's grades. The director nevertheless takes care of the students on each floor there are benches, cameras have been installed in the school for the safety of students!!!
Even the locker room was not bypassed. There are hangers for each class, which is very convenient ...
Each office is very well equipped, the gym is quite large (2 classes are engaged there at once).
The students at this school are responsive, kind, and most importantly honest!!!
In my favorite school, all the subject students give a good education, which is no less important in the future!
Any school teacher will always come to the rescue, give good advice, etc.
In general, I love my school and so far they have not built a better school than this one🥰🥰
I have both daughters studying here. The school is very good. The teaching staff is very strong. It is in this school that you can get a lot of knowledge!
I can't be objective. This school is the best for me because I graduated from it. I don't know how it is now, but 30 years ago there were the strongest teachers there.
A school with a good reputation for teachers, as a result of which classes are overloaded with students, there is not enough space in the lobby not to squeeze through