The best school of our time is the school where my sister and I studied. Everything was fine during the time of our director Lev Abdudzhabarovich. Discipline and respect were at a high level, education was at the highest. I can't say how it is now, but our teachers were the best back then.
Tatiana Borisovna, Nigera Asiovna, Vinera Anvarovna — I can't remember all the teachers by name, but each of them was a professional in their field. Thank you for your hard work! Sadykova's sister. Fatima, Zuhra and Dilafruz
The best school in the world
The subject students are great
English Anna Borisovna
Uzbek Maftuna Khotambekovna
Matem Adela rishatovna
Russian literature by Saida Anvarovna
Physical education teacher Timur Melsovich
The story of Gulya turgunovna
Science mukhayo farkhodbekovna
From Guzel shukhkhratbekovna
Mukhayo kahramonovna technology
I love this school and my former classmates!!! And my first teacher, Barno Azizovna, is the best and wonderful, that's exactly what she gave us the most necessary skills and knowledge. I would like to put up a separate monument to her🩵