Incompetent teachers. If they had not been registered there in this area, they would not have sent their children to this school in their lives. The head teacher does not know how to communicate with children, she also threatened the kids if you do not listen to the teacher, ota onang tushakka mikhlansin deb. Is this the ethics of a teacher? She would even be a cleaner, you can't take her to school. Moral crush and humiliation of the dignity of these kids, only the last person can.Once again, we will write to the prosecutor's office with the whole class.
A very good Lomonosov school was Stalin's, Ekaterina Vasilyevna director, they tried to study at school 6, planted trees there, then built a bridge, now a professor, and I remember the school and the Voronkov hands back in 1969
Lamanosf maktabiga bollarilani bershilani tavsiya qmiman chunki zavuch va oqituvchilatni muomilasi oquvchilarga salbiy tasrini yetqizadi va kop pul olshadi