The school is very good, even though it's old, but the teachers and students are just top!! Of course, there are some disadvantages, for example, the dining room is not very large and there is no assembly hall. The best school for teenagers. The director is also very good, if you get along, you can communicate with her as a friend. All the teachers are pretty good, with humor. I study here myself, I didn't like it at first, but then it was like family.
The school is not bad enough. My daughter studied there and graduated. The teachers are good, but not enough. There are many disadvantages, but everyone has disadvantages. I was disappointed with the dining room. They only sell buns and water. There is no choice. And so it's pretty normal
Ochen xorowiy direktor! Znaet pochti vsex detey po imyon, kto v kakom klasse uchitca. Chistaya l, uyutnaya wkola. Uchitelya sve xorowie, stolovaya vsegda chistaya, vsegda vkusno paxnet. Chistie tualeti. Vospitannie ucheniki. Oxranyaemaya territoriya. Direktor kajdiy den stoit u vorot, i prizivaet vsex pridti vo vremya v wkolu, wtob vse bili opryatnimi. Nikogda ne sidit v svoyom kabinete i ne pryachetca. Samoe glavnoe deti lyubyat i uvajayut direktora.