The interior is normal, unpretentious, ordinary, many teachers are good and explain well, but there are also many teachers in short, they just sit on the phone the whole lesson and do not teach anything and then they say that the students do not know anything, also about the teachers, they are very angry, picky and also if they complain about a problem in the classroom it is about society , they will close their eyes and if the child comes in a bright sweater , they will not leave you alone , the director is no better
I recently learned that the school where my daughter studies is named after some kind of josten , a US citizen , and the question arises, why don't we have outstanding people in Kazakhstan??!
My native school. It's been a long time since I've been here. In 1992. Then it was a wonderful school with a very strong teaching staff and smart, talented girls and boys. I am sure that everything is the same now. Good luck to the school and its students.