A very good school. Much better than in others. The teachers are literate and conduct their lessons strictly. The food is good. The director, the deputy director and the teachers are good. Students of many competitions in the subjects of mathematics and English have diplomas. Why there is also a teacher, a good lesson is held once a week on Sunday. I recommend
One of the schools in Uzbekistan, according to the ugly form of the "Soviet schools", I repeat the ugly form. We have seen a lot of grief in this wicked school with one of the most wicked principals. a lover of gold jewelry. someday he will definitely go to his historical homeland, Smolensk province, or maybe to Kalyma. such hotbeds destroy the culture and history of Uzbekistan. Not to mention that many people there simply hate Islam and Muslims. Take care of your children, especially girls. and I ask the Almighty to cleanse our lands of such schools and such "mentors".