The school is located in the very center of the neighborhood, which provides your child with a safe way from home, and you do not need to waste time meeting and escorting your student. The school is very warm and your child will never freeze, even in a corner office. It is very important in our quarantine situation that there are four entrances to the school and there is a real possibility of distancing, children do not have to crowd at one entrance! With the windows open, there is no noise from the roadway, as in Al Farabi Lyceum, or the noise of advertising, as in school # 1, the absence of noise allows you to fully focus on the learning process. A small contingent of students allows you to create a family environment at extracurricular activities, and the pedagogical collective to carry out quality control of each student.
My home school.I graduated from 10 classes here.Strong teaching staff, loyalty to school traditions, convenient location (away from car roads), lots of greenery.Everything is for the students!