A normal Soviet school, The school is clean, cozy and warm, You feel at home. But I wanted it to be even better. The student admission system. That is, the child went through the turnstile, and the parent already showed on his mobile phone that he was at school, and also with the exit. So constant calls or SMS to the teacher . Came or came. As it is, I like school.
I live in the area of this school and often watch children skiing around the school in physical education classes, I also really like that the school looks good from the outside and is always kept clean!!!!!
This is the worst school in the city. Her superiors did not bother to organize a locker room, and generally a place to remove outerwear for students. The staff is rude. My son is still in grade 0 there. But the first impression of this so-called place of study is very, very bad.