In the middle of August, he brought me a microphone to fix. After a detailed inspection, it turned out that it seemed to be intact, the problem was in the transmitter. In just a week and a half, I got it back in perfect working order. Now it is being used for its intended purpose again (video below).
There is one single remark - they twisted the plug of the power supply, I had to align it with pliers, be careful next time.
The TV stood idle for almost six months, several service centers said they couldn't fix it, I already decided that we would buy a new one, then a friend told me that she fixed a hair dryer in the workshop in her house and that she was satisfied. We found a service center, called, said, bring it, let's see, diagnostics is free. It turned out that the board burned down, they can replace it, but you need to wait about a week. Two days later, they called back and said that the payment had been found. The administrator explained everything in detail and politely, said when you can pick up and the cost of repairs. I want to say thank you to the masters of the service center for resuscitating my TV, if it weren't for them, I would have to buy a new one. And the most important thing is that other workshops did not even explain what was wrong with the telecom.
I gave a food processor for repair. We changed the engine and stopped the broken regulator, everything works fine, I would like to be a little faster on time, but they said there are problems with the delivery of spare parts now).