The laptop battery swelled up. I reached out for help: they removed the battery, ordered a new one, and even cleaned the laptop within just a couple of hours on the same day. During a separate visit, they installed the new battery. I was extremely satisfied with the work: everything was done quickly, efficiently, and at a good price.
Hello everyone
I am very pleased with the repair of the Dell G5 SE laptop.
Initially, I contacted another service closer to home, they could not even identify the problem and literally recommended "throwing away the laptop" as non-repairable.
It's good that I suspected something was wrong and decided to find another service. In search, I came across FastRestore with excellent reviews, contacted and did not lose) The guys successfully diagnosed the cause of the breakdown, offered a repair option, discussed the timing and price in advance. As a result, the laptop works like new)
The old part that was replaced was also given away after repair - for me this is an indicator of transparency and integrity of the service. Thank you so much!)
Excellent service, I recommend it from the bottom of my heart! I filled my laptop with tea, it was critically needed, because I work through it remotely. I am very glad that I found the guys, they were able to quickly bring the laptop back to life. Separately, I want to cancel the comfort in communication - at each stage I was warned about the timing / cost and everything was agreed, plus they answered very quickly and performed the work.
Руская версия - ниже
Odlična usluga. Odao sam na popravku laptop sa neobičnim problemom – pri priključenju na struju laptop je počeo da proizvodi jak zvižduk i da se puni sa prekidima. Posle 5-10 minuta zvuk je nestajao i baterija je počela da se puni kao obično.
Uzimajući u obzir nesvakidašnji problem i retku marku – DEXP (kinesko-ruski proizvođač bez dokumentacije za popravku), popravka je trajala devet dana. Nije brzo, ali očekivano u ovakvim okolnostima.
Popravka je koštala 5500 RSD bez čišćenja od prašine i zamene termalne paste. Po mom mišljenju – veoma povoljno za složen slučaj. Zbog nedostatka dokumentacije, momci nisu mogli da daju garanciju na samu popravku, ali su dali 1,5 mesec na zamenjeni adapter.
Pišem ovu recenziju nakon nedelju dana – tokom tog vremena nije bilo znakova vraćanja problema. Ako zvižduk ponovo krene, ažuriraću recenziju, ali za sada – nemam nikakvih zamerki na kvalitet rada.
Takođe želim da istaknem dobru komunikaciju zaposlenih u servisu.
Отличный сервис. Отдал на ремонт ноутбук с необычной проблемой - при подключении к сети ноутбук начинал издавать громкий свист и заряжаться с перебоями. Спустя 5 -10 минут звук исчезал и батарея заряжалась как обычно.
С учетом нестандартной проблемы и редкого бренда - DEXP (Китайско-Российский производитель без документации для ремонта), ремонт занял девять дней. Не быстро, но ожидаемо в таких обстоятельствах.
Обошелся ремонт в 5500dn без чистки от пыли и замены термопасты. На мой взгляд - очень недорого для сложного кейса.
В связи с отсутствием документации ребята не смогли дать гарантию на сам ремонт, но дали 1.5 месяца на замененный ими адаптер.
Пишу отзыв спустя неделю - за это время никаких признаков возвращения проблемы нет.
Если свист вернется я обновлю отзыв, но пока - к качеству работы вопросов нет.
Также хочу отметить хорошую коммуникацию работников сервиса.
We contacted the service due to the rapid discharge of the laptop. The guys diagnosed it, it turned out that the battery was swollen. We ordered a new battery and replaced it very quickly. We cleaned the keyboard at the same time. Everything is very fast and comfortable, easy communication, the service is located in the center, within walking distance, convenient.
My computer stopped turning on, I decided to contact the guys, based on recommendations and good reviews. It turned out that the SSD memory on the computer was faulty, everything was replaced, cleaned and the old part was given to me. Everything is working fine now!
I sincerely recommend this service, very comfortable communication, everything was explained and costed, there were no questions left after work 🤍
I filled my Redmi laptop with coffee. Everything was cleaned and dried, and it was clear that they were doing everything well in this regard. I also met a responsive service. I am very glad that he was in Novi Sad, as my situation was critical and my job was on fire. Thanks!
Competent guys. The broken screen of my rather old, but still good Huawei P30 was replaced. At the same time, several replacement options were offered, varying degrees of "originality" of spare parts, price and time. As a result, we found the perfect option and did everything even faster than originally agreed.
Many thanks to the masters! They were quickly diagnosed and completed their work in the shortest possible time. With high quality and in the agreed amount.
I flooded the laptop screen, I had to change it (or rather, the guys, of course)
Thank you and recommend it!!
The MacBook was cleaned of dust, and the thermal paste was replaced. Everything was done on time, even an hour faster than agreed.
The laptop is working, everything is great.
I recommend
Excellent service. I applied to replace the display on my smartphone. We ordered the original, it arrived within two days, and repairs were completed during the day. I am completely satisfied with the result.