It's a small market, but you can buy everything you need. I like to skimp there. All sellers are polite, everyone is nearby, even the newcomer will not get lost.
Relatively,,, not bad,, but again,, garbage is all around,, cleaners,, are not in a hurry,, management does not care,, I am generally silent about painting and whitewashing the interior... Tolerable
Everything you need is on the market. but! These old, nondescript, almost ruined kiosks, it's terrible! And the most important trouble for me is the stray dogs that run among the grocery aisles! In the meat department they are fed right under the counter! I feel humanly sorry for dogs! But there are some sanitary standards!
The market is not bad. Prices are lower than in the Central Market. But the work schedule has become worse. Previously, I worked from 7:00 to 15:00-16:00, and now at 8 they just put out the goods at 13:00 they are already going. You can't buy anything before or after work. I have to help out the local supermarkets.