Шаурма на тарелке говядина/ курица (на выбор), суп куриный/ чечевичный (на выбор) ,чай 0,4 черный/ зеленый (на выбор)
3210 ₸
Пицца 4 сыра
Сочетание ароматного томатного соуса и четырех разных видов сыра: пармезана, гауды, моцареллы и дорблю с плесенью, который добавляет пицце пикантности и глубины вкуса
The food is delicious and the prices are quite satisfactory
I was just upset that the menu design was changed and now it's completely inconvenient: it's not clear what the dish looks like.
There used to be delicious hot sauce on the tables, but now it's been removed(
Today I forgot my glasses at this institution, I returned, but they told me that it was not... it's a pity…
If the staff did find it, then I really ask you to return it-this is a very dear gift to my heart ...((