I give 5 stars for the location and service. Close to the bus stop, in a large supermarket, you can immediately buy food, near a bank branch, a pharmacy, clothing stores and children's toys. The store itself is spacious, the product is conveniently located, all sellers are excellent professionals in their field, know the assortment, help with fitting, are friendly, are not lazy to tell and offer discounts. Shoes are updated quite often, everywhere is clean, bright, good bonuses.
I do not recommend buying shoes there. We bought boots for a child, and immediately put them on there. Literally after 20 minutes, I noticed that the lock opens when walking. I came to check them back at the store, they were accepted without question. And when I came to pick it up, they told me that it was hardware and it wasn't their problem. Although this is a functional accessory, without which the operation of the shoe itself is not possible. If you don't want problems in winter, don't buy shoes there))