Универсальный гарнир с легким ароматом и нейтральным вкусом
550 ₸180 g
Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
550 ₸180 g
Куырдак из баранины
2850 ₸450 g
Манты на пару
Сочные манты с рубленым говяжьим мясом, приготовленные на пару (5 шт.)
The menu is quite varied, I ate with pleasure the meat broth was so delicious, just like at home, but we waited for the order for a very long time, in general, the cafe is uncomfortable, dark and damp and cool.
I came to the oil capital of Kazakhstan in the glorious city of Atyrau for the first time. He conducted rehabilitation for children with down syndrome. I finished work late at night and during the 10 days of my stay in Atyrau I visited this wonderful institution 3 times. But the place across the street lured me away for the 4th day. Excellent pilaf in this institution, but very long service, the last time they carried pilaf to me was 40 minutes. The negative is only from the service for a long, very long time. Special thanks to the cook for the pilaf👍