I liked the museum. there are probably not many exhibits (we have nothing to compare them with), but they are authentic and everything is done well both inside and out beautifully, clean and spacious. payment by card, but for Russians, a visit for cash is local pounds (200 for an adult, 100 for a child, i.e. a family of 2 people and 1 child can visit it for about 1000 rubles for all) and a passport or photo of it. neither dollars nor euros are accepted! change money in advance! as a last resort, ask taxi drivers to exchange bucks for pounds (it will not be very profitable). the museum seems to be open from 17.00, it is better to approach a little in advance, while it is light, take a picture and walk around the territory, and then go to the museum. there are a couple of souvenir shops inside (prices are not cheap).
from the museum towards Naama Bay in 5-7 minutes walk you can go to Hollywood Park, there is also a beautiful illuminated place. inside it, to the right behind the stage in the back, there is a shop with cheap souvenirs)
A great museum, compact but very interesting. I recommend it to anyone who is interested in the history of Egypt. This is the second time we've been here.
You can only pay by card (Russian ones do not work), but for Russian citizens there is an option - payment in pounds upon presentation of a passport (or a copy of it, we were sold tickets according to the data indicated in travel vouchers).
Opening hours must be viewed separately on their website, because the museum is closed during the day in summer and opens late at night.