The market did not make a special impression. Chinese silk is on sale, very dense and bright, in rolls and ready-made national dresses. It's beautiful, of course, but of little use.
There are also elegant European-style things, everything is quite expensive.
Here you can buy good things among the large abundance of shirportreb. We must bargain to the limit. Imagine the prices of Aliexpress and ask them for good things. Bargaining is an art and it is welcome. You must come with the mood to chat and bargain. Not for quick impulsive purchases!
It's a big market, more like a shopping mall. On several floors there are a large number of boutique shops with clothes, bags, shoes, you can also buy glasses or frames, get a massage, etc.
Every bag seller has a secret room hidden in a wall or partitions, replicas of famous brands are stored there, the quality of replicas is from average to perfect, when it is impossible to distinguish from the original.
Prices for everything on the market are inflated several times, you can and should bargain.