Excellent service, the wheels were brought the next day after the tire service call👍
I changed the wheels for Prytytsky 93 ALMI.
I ordered storage + washing. The tires were delivered in a very clean condition with seals, without defects.
The storage is really great.
Guys. Yes, this is a super service!!!!!!!!!! This is the first service I see where you can use a card to pay for storage via the website. And they also managed to give installments for 2 months on Halva cards and all this without re-payments. They have over 40 hundred partners. We have an agreement with everyone. Everything from the point of view of the law is done on 5. I filled out the contract in 10 minutes while my tires were being changed. I left the wheels and drove off. Their partners are all very friendly, it is immediately clear that the guys did not take everyone as a partner. Beautiful advertisement. I'm ready to trust them. Thanks!!! The tire cabinet is a LEVEL!!!!
The guys are just great, I came to their warehouse, left my tires along with the disks for storage, paid right on the spot, and even Halva in installments for 2 months. Now the wheels will not take up space on the balcony, they told me how to properly take care of the tires. I highly recommend it! I will always leave it with you