I arrived by appointment to replace winter tires, the kit is ready, just throw it over. I didn't have to wait, there was no queue. That's where the advantages ended.
Two wheels were dropped on the brake discs when they were being removed. I think if I hadn't started swearing, the rest would have been filmed as well. Comrades through one with a "smell", they were not interested in the accuracy of their work. We put the removed set of summer one on one, under some kind of shelving. A minute later, a friend came and began to throw the discs from place to place roughly, with one hand, as if there were stamping, just throwing wheel on wheel. A mess, no control.
There is a confident feeling that most of the reviews were screwed up.
The main advantage is that they work until 22, the wheel was punched after 20, and almost all tire shops are closed. They arrived at 21, did everything quickly and efficiently, and also checked the pressure in each wheel. I plan to change their shoes for the winter, maybe I will add (: