The school sucks, there is no toilet paper in the toilet, there are animals all over the school (spiders, centipedes, etc.). While there was an old headmistress, everything was still more or less good, but when a new headmistress came to school, everything went upside down. Many teachers bully students, underestimate grades, shout, and also put pressure on the child morally and psychologically. I do not deny that there are normal teachers, but there are few of them. I went to this school as an excellent student, because of a teacher who constantly underestimated my grades, slipped into a good girl and lost all motivation, but there could be a good future. About lessons and homework is generally a separate topic. They explain little and incomprehensibly in the lessons, ask a large number of homework, as if their subject alone exists. When you come with an unfulfilled homework and say that you did not understand the topic, the teacher, instead of explaining the topic, simply puts a deuce and does not explain. The changes are small, and the teachers yell at the children, forcing them to stay in their places and finish the material. When asked to go to the toilet, it happens that students are not released due to NATURAL need.
To put it mildly, I do not recommend this school.
Not the school, but some nonsense of the director has been changed, invents new rules and writes out the charter of the school for convenience. There is no interest in the subjects of children, most of the energy is taken away by the director, who literally digs into everything.