A very good school with a rich history. Your child will really be taught to draw, but be prepared that this is a school that you need to visit often otherwise.
It's a very atmospheric place) Even if your child does not attend it, you need to go there. There are a lot of works on display, it's worth seeing, the exposition is constantly updated.
The school has trained and produced talented artists. The school now has an excellent and professional team of teachers led by the famous artist P.Kulsha.I recommend
Teachers are weak, and most likely do not have a professional art education. They give a task and go about their business, they can
leave the office or talk on the phone. Children complain that some teachers allow themselves to shout at them and even insult them.The level has dropped significantly compared to what it was 15-20 years ago.
I will not evaluate the level of education, because I did not study at this school. I will say, as an outsider, that the school and the territory are well maintained. Children attend different classes - from elementary to high school. My classmate studied in the 90s. She drew well. They give you a base there. If your child dreams of drawing, you are definitely here)
See original
Anonymous review
June 11, 2018
We went to this school for 3 years, to the commercial department. The first year and the second year she led - ............., a good teacher. In the second year, we went to the teacher - ..........., which has negated all our achievements over the past years. As a result, we did not pass the screening. They pushed their own. Yes, after such treatment, I will not go to such a school myself, even for free.