In this judge, I did Veronica's long-term eyebrow styling. Excellent craftsman, friendly. I would like to thank Administrator Katerina for her good advice.
Good day! I was with Master Ekaterina! Clever girl! Everything is clear and to the point! Diligently and efficiently does his job! The room is clean and cozy! The cilia really came to me, today it's already a week after the build-up, and not a single one has fallen off, it's incredible! Earlier, after 5 days, half of it fell out😅! Super! What do they say there? - Recomendente😂
I am delighted with the pedicure!
Everything was done as carefully and carefully as possible. Toenails, according to all the rules of pedicure, are cut into a "square", which means they will not grow in! 💚💚💚
Each of us wants to be well-groomed and beautiful from the crown to the heels, and legs play an important role in this matter.Today, a pedicure in the salon is not a luxury, but a necessary procedure, and it cannot be done at home without a bunch of devices and without the special skills of professionals.