Беспроводные наушники HONOR Choice Earbuds X5 Lite
Состояние: 8\10
Комплект: коробка, абушюры
Нюансы: следы пользования
Bluetooth 5.3
Диапазон :20-20000 Гц
Время работы 9 ч
35 Br1 pcs.
Пила-аллигатор DWT SS 500
Состояние: 8\10
Комплект: рукоядь, пилка полотно
Нюансы: следы пользования
Мощьность 500 Вт
Питание: сеть
Число ходов полотна в минуту ;2 900
75 Br
Wi-Fi роутер TP-Link Archer C6U
Состояние: 8\10
Комплект: блок питания,интернет кабель
Нюансы: следы пользования
Одновременные подключения :до 300 Мбит/с на 2,4 ГГц и до 867 Мбит/с на 5 ГГц — общая скорость до 1200 Мбит/с
Возможность подключения USB-модемов 3G/4...
We came to this shop yesterday with a guy. It was about 18:20. The girl was sitting and talking on the phone, although she saw that the customers had arrived. She said she would pack, even though there were 30 minutes left before the end of the working day. The guy and I were silent, looking at the goods, waiting for her to talk enough. During this time, a couple came in. When the guy asked about the laptop evaluation, she said it would take an hour or more. Although laptop diagnostics will take 15 minutes. A person is just too lazy to work, talks on the phone with clients on personal topics. I would understand if she was talking to her boss and this conversation was really about work or if something happened to her. But it was clear from the conversation that the girl was communicating with a friend or with someone close to her, she did not have any emergency. The disgusting treatment of customers is on the part of this employee.