In 2016, I visited this clinic several times in different months. Lore was constantly absent. That is, he should have been there, but he has an eternal "vacation". As a taxpayer, I did not receive the necessary assistance from the state clinic, not even a consultation. Why did they go to medical school at all if they don't want to treat people? The basis of medicine begins with kindness to people, the desire to cure patients must be with doctors. Otherwise, why become a doctor at all? If you're only interested in money, you should have studied economics
It's a complete mess, doctors change every day. To get to the doctor, you need to go through 100 offices to get a referral. We think the order will be modern.
Although the base is good, the staff has many shortcomings. There is no mercy response. Speaks rudely. On one site, vrach continues to shift. You wait a lot in line.
It would be nice if you warned vrach in office 237.He worked in a hurry,didn't bother to tell me where he was sick,and before he finished receiving me,he brought in another pot, and he was nervous that I would answer two Potters in turn, and eventually our brain opened.Let them explain in a hurry,and once they have a profession,and we do not know, we will go to find out what we are asking.Take this into account, or I will write on the other side...
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Дина Джилкибаева
Level 7 Local Expert
October 5, 2024
So far there are no complaints, we'll see further.District nurse Ainur, a professional in her field.
I moved to this city a year ago, I am registered here by my place of residence. the worst hospital in my whole life, my doctor Ryskulova Zhansaya Agabekkyzy wrote directions for tests for an hour, but I came by ambulance. for some reason, the ambulance brought me to this hospital. She was in no condition herself. I had to go to a paid clinic. although I pay for the insurance. her husband came to her in order to take the same direction again. It's been an hour and a half and she's no good. if something changes after this review, I will be glad, but this shit is impossible to tolerate
Balam 14 nauryz tuyldy 2020 zhyly tuylgan kzde 1 ret kana keldi sosyn zhok pediatricians 1 aptadan kane temperatures koterilip shakyrdyk pediatricians onyn aitkany uylerniz suyk according to this ball temperature is bolyp zhatyr. Fast shakyrdyk tunde 39.7 boldy temperatures asarga hospitals zhattyk no bolmady olard tusire almady balaga Penevmania dep diagnosis koida birak bala pneumonia emes even balanyn temperatures neden ekenin bilmeidigoy ol asardan kisheshni infection zhuktyryp shykty bala mini kazir 7 ai boldyk temperatures ali tusken jok ali 3 polyclinicdan bir khabar jock even barlyk analizderin barin paid tapsyrdyk sol 3 polyclinic free beryledi eken ol analizdi birak bizge aitpads da ol turaly bala ushin not istemeimiz olarga sensek balamyzdy kolymyzga olidei beredi balada infection bar shymkent barlyk zhaksy doctor bardyk but not the temperature bolatyn constantly not ushin ekenin bilmeidi yeshkim durys diagnosis koya almaida yeshkim balanyn already zhany kynalyp ketty eshkimge munday tilemeimin birak wasps 3 polyclinic pediatrician, therapist, genicologtaryna ote kapalymyn sizderge baryp aikaylap ursyp betterinizden alsa gana karaisyzdargo deimin
To improve the staff. There are very few professionals in their field. All students come for an internship and stay there to work. How can you leave without literate people? There's always a queue, it's a mess. They need to spend time and get paid. Only the technicians do their job satisfactorily. I gave up this clinic with my whole family.
Lack of specialists. Specialists only on paper. There are few real specialists and everyone works ACCORDING to a template, they have no thoughts, no opinions. This situation is very frustrating.