The driving school is at the highest level!!!
I express my great gratitude to the theory teacher Svetlana Stefanovna!,for her professional and sensitive attitude to the case! The training is so well-designed, and nothing superfluous!Thank you and a low bow!
And I also want to highlight the best, sensitive driving instructor Nikita Alexandrovich Timoshchik!, this is the person with whom you feel confident, you will find an approach to everyone. His motto is,
of course everything will work out, otherwise it cannot be!!!so it is)).
Thank you very much!!!, I am very happy!!!
I wish that the school only flourished!!!
I would like to express my great and sincere gratitude to instructor Nikita Alexandrovich Timoshchik!
At the very beginning, they were very clearly identified problematic points (fear, insecurity, "excellent student syndrome") and in parallel with driving lessons, he effectively helped solve them, and this is very important for us girls))
It is difficult to imagine a more sensitive instructor, how clearly and calmly he explains everything, notices the little things, always pronounces them, they are practiced in the classroom several times.
My rights were obtained the first time! After all the work Nikita had done, it was very easy.
Thanks! I highly recommend it!
Thanks a lot to instructor Nikita Tymoshchik. He explains all the important details of driving in his classes in a very accessible way. It maintains a friendly atmosphere and polite communication. He will always point out mistakes and help correct them, work out all the elements of the circuit to perfection, show all the difficult and controversial points in the city. Only the best impressions are left!
I chose this driving school and did not regret it!!!!
Driving School Signal - 10/10.
I have never regretted choosing this organization.
Excellent instructors, teachers and the director. Convenient location, pleasant attitude, good training.
Many thanks to Vyacheslav Anatolyevich Neberov for teaching theory. Difficult and often boring traffic information is presented easily and with humor. From which everything is remembered in a great mood. The human attitude only encourages you to go to classes and not miss them. If suddenly you have not learned something or missed it, Vyacheslav Anatolyevich will always repeat and help you. Due attention was paid to each student. Thank you very much!
I thank Olga Nikolaevna Kashankova, my instructor.
First of all, I want to point out the professionalism and vast experience! Olga Nikolaevna perfectly explains both theory and practice. The elements on the circuit are obtained from the first time, the information has already been worked out and structured. Even if you are afraid to drive, I would strongly advise you to contact this particular instructor. With it, you will become a confident driver.
Despite the fact that I have a very busy work schedule, Olga Nikolaevna was always ready to adjust to me and change the class time if necessary.
I would also like to express my gratitude to the director of the Signal driving school, Konstantin Mikhailovich. For his wonderful attitude to each cadet and the organization of his subordinates, for his love and responsibility for his work.
Thank you very much!
Thank you so much for your knowledge and contribution!
I passed the FIRST time, although I came to driving school with a fear of driving a car! That says a lot. Thanks!
I studied at this driving school. The instructors are adequate, calmly explain everything, without shouting. The cars are in good condition and comfortable to drive. I passed the exams the first time, which already says a lot.
It was the most responsible and exciting
I would like to express my deep gratitude to Svetlana Stefanovna, a teacher of theory, for her great work, patience and endurance
She finds her own approach to everyone, which makes learning easy and no less cognitive.
Thanks to her, the theory in the traffic police turned out to be the easiest stage
I would like to highlight separately
Driving instructor Nikita Alexandrovich Timoshchik, driving with him will be easy, fun, and interesting for you
You won't have the words, I can't do it, because he will tell you that there is no such word 😄
Everything will work out, so we are working and only working
My rights from the first time are the merit of these two people, thank you for everything😇
Today is the day when I was proud and happy to get my driver's license. And all thanks to the efforts of the teachers of this driving school.
I would like to say a big thank you to Svetlana Stefanovna Prakopenko, a theory teacher who approached each lecture with fire in her eyes, explained any material intelligibly and with patience and supported at all stages of training and exams.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to Nikita Alexandrovich, a driving instructor, Timoshchik, who created an atmosphere of goodwill and tranquility during trips, and at the same time did not miss a single important detail, and also supported during the exam.
Thank you all very much!
On behalf of myself and the cadets of group 7B23, I express my huge thanks to the management of the driving school, teacher Svetlana Stefanovna, driving instructors Olga and Artyom!
Svetlana Stefanovna picked up her own "key" for each cadet and always radiated positivity and motivated for a positive outcome. Therefore, there were no problems with passing the theory to the traffic police.
Friendly and patient instructors taught driving. Everything was explained in clear words, without shouting and raising the tone. They taught me to think on the road and always explained various traffic situations. Getting the rights the first time is the merit of these people, for which I thank them very much! you are the best! GOOD LUCK, STABILITY AND PROSPERITY TO YOUR DRIVING SCHOOL! I recommend training to everyone!
Шикарные преподаватели, в особенности Светлана Стефановна. Теорию подаёт очень качественно, использует собственные наработки, для лучшего усвоения материала, чтобы приходилось меньше писать, но при этом лучше запоминалось. Если идете в автошколу с осознанием того, что это нужно вам, то рекомендую пытаться попасть к этому преподавателю. Кроме того, если работаете два через два и не можете прийти на часть занятий, то она предложит удобные варианты посещений с другими группами.
В плане практических занятий, отличный инструктор Артем (отчества не знаю). Грамотно и своевременно объясняет нюансы в управлении автомобиля. Очень спокойный и дружелюбный инструктор. Всегда готов перехватить руль, если создаётся даже намек на аварийную ситуацию, то есть, опыта не занимать.
В общем, крайне рекомендую идти в эту автошколу (особенно, если попадете к этим двум преподавателям), если вы действительно готовы посвятить свое время обучению, ибо если не готовиться дома, то никакой препод не поможет.
I graduated from the driving school "Signal" and passed it to the traffic police the first time! I want to express my deep gratitude to Nikita Tymoshchik, the driving instructor!!! As much as I was afraid of driving, classes with him both on the racetrack and in the city were comfortable, and sometimes fun. He always supports and explains difficult moments until he is sure that you have understood everything and are doing it right.
I sincerely recommend him as an excellent specialist and professional in his field. Thank you for your hard work and help in my driving training!
Дзякуй вялікі і выкладчыкам, і інструктарам за цярпенне, настойлівасць, веру ў здольнасці сваіх вучняў. Вельмі ганарова было працаваць пад кіраўніцтвам сапраўдных прафесіяналаў сваёй справы выкладчыкаў Святланы Пракапенкі, Пятра Пракапенкі, інструктара Вольгі Кашанковай. Доўга не магла вызначыцца з аўташколай і лічу, што мне вельмі пашчасціла з выбарам. Сёння не часта можна сустрэць настаўнікаў, якія так шчыра хвалююцца за сваіх падапечных. Галоўнае, прыняць той вялізны багаж ведаў, які яны даюць. Яшчэ раз дзякуй калектыву і яго дырэктару Канстанціну Пыстогаву!!!
I signed up for this driving school, but the start of classes has been postponed for 3 weeks, they promise on the phone that classes will start right now and they will call back immediately, but of course no one does this. For those who value their time, I strongly recommend avoiding this place.
Instructor Nikita Tymoshchik - 10/10. In the classroom, he is super polite, explains clearly, I coped with him instantly with excitement at the wheel. I passed it to the traffic police the first time)
От себя лично, а также от всей учебной группы 2СЕ23 хочу поблагодарить весь коллектив автошколы за отличную нашу переподготовку на категорию СЕ и доброе к нам отношение. Директора Константина Михайловича за достойную организацию учебного процесса и представлению группы для сдачи экзамена в ГАИ. Преподавателей Петра Ивановича и Светлану Стефановну за грамотное теоретическое обучение и оформление наших документов. Инструктора по вождению Сергея Петровича за профессионализм по обучению практическому вождению и искреннее переживание за всех нас при сдаче практического экзамена в ГАИ. Благодаря их старанию и нашему упорству наша группа добилась практически 100% успешного результата сдачи экзамена в ГАИ. Всем рекомендую обучение в автошколе "Сигнал".
Очень довольна обучением в автошколе «Сигнал». Ни разу не пожалела, что выбрала именно её. Огромное спасибо преполавателям :Светлане Стефановне и инструктору Ольге Николаевне. Качество обучения на высшем уровне, материал объясняется в доступной форме, буквально на пальцах, можно забыть про огромные конспекты, а использовать наработки преподавателя, что облегчает сдачу экзамена в разы. К каждому учащемуся подбирается индивидуальный подход в плане обучения, а также посещения занятий (можно всегда прийти и отработать с другой группой или в удобное для Вас время)! Еще раз огромное спасибо преподавателям и руководству школы!
Всем здравствуйте! Автошкола просто супер, преподаватель Светлана Стефановна очень преподаёт и преподносит всё так, что хочется чтобы занятия не заканчивались! Огромное спасибо Светлане Стефановне за её труд, за переживания, за душевность, учиться у вас очень приятно и легко!!!!) Инструктора тоже очень классные! У меня инструктор Артём, всё объясняет очень подробно и с ним в машине пропадает страх, а это очень важно. Я очень рада что выбрала эту автошколу)
I would like to thank all the teachers and driving masters for the excellent driving experience and knowledge gained. Separately, the director is responsible for organizing the internal exam and the exam in the traffic police. He studied in November-December 2023 for the category "C". I passed the exam 1 time. I recommend this driving school to everyone. Thank you.
Автошкола самая современная, преподаватели, инструкторы делают из пешеходов отличных водителей. Светлана Стефановна настолько доступно дает материал, что само всп запоминается. Инструкторы Ольга и Артем терпеливо обучают азам езды, директор Константин Михайлович обеспечивает материальную базу для обучения. Автомобили все новые. Школа сопровождает вас до самой сдачи экзаменов в ГАИ. ОГРОМНОЕ СПАСИБО ВСЕМ, КТО РАБОТАЕТ В АВТОШКОЛЕ "СИГНАЛ". ВЫ - ЛУЧШИЕ!!!!
The best driving school in Mogilev , teachers with extensive experience. The learning process is built conveniently. There are groups both on weekdays and weekend groups!
I recommend driving school. Very good, qualified teachers. The instructor is a bomb. Thank you all for their patience and hard work. I would like to wish them strong nerves, and most importantly good health. thank you!
Many thanks to instructor Timoshchik Nikita!
After a long break, we took 2 lessons from him, and passed!
She is full of professional analysis and patience.
I didn't regret choosing this driving school.
Отличная школа. Рекомендую. Обучался в мае 2023 года на СЕ. Инструктор Сергей Петрович здорово обучает. Научились все, но сдала не вся группа. Один парень умудрился не включать повороты в городе. Спасибо всем!!!
Начну с подачи документов..,встретили так доброжелательно Елена Михайловна принимала документы,не хотелось даже уходить!Преподаватель Светлана Стефановна просто учитель от Бога! Хотелось бежать в школу на часы раньше! Директор Константин Михайлович на автодроме во время сдачи экзамена в мороз стоял до последнего курсанта вместе с нашими инструкторами. Артем,Ольга мастера своей профессии !Рекомендую именно эту школу!С ув.Елена
Отличные преподаватели,шикарные машины,отличный график учебы.Даже не ожидала,так легко и просто мне удастся получить права с первого раза.Рекомендую эту школу»Сигнал»всем !!!!!