Фрезеровка на ЧПУ любой сложности, включая фрезеровку заготовок, поверхностей, фасадов МДФ, дерева, фанеры, пластика, оргстекла и текстолита на заказ по конкурентным ценам. Мы специализируемся на точной обработке деталей, 3D фрезеровке моделей и ф...
Payment method:prepayment, postpay, cash, payment by card, bank transfer, installment, cashless payment, online, QR code, Fast payment system
Availability:in stock and on order
Type of furniture:custom made for the kitchen, custom made for children's room, custom made for the living room, custom made for the bedroom, custom made for the bathroom, bath and sauna furniture, tables, dressers, wardrobes, bedside tables, facades