Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
An excellent restaurant, everything is at the highest level, a very large selection of dishes from a sea of products, everything is very tasty. The atmosphere is calm, a place to relax and for seafood gourmets
Good evening everyone, I'll start with the staff , yes very responsive + attentive , but the kitchen + interior leaves much to be desired , but honestly the pasta with sea products is too greasy , the volume is too small to bring in a very small bowl and the broth is not saturated and there is little of it , the sea products are fine , the rolls are 3+ again, the cheese in them leaves much to be desired It 's very fat and apparently not the most expensive , but it 's a very long way from being a restaurant !