The town is small, but there are many interesting places. The central LENIN Street after the City Council towards the market looks bad because of the many abandoned private houses, unkempt plots. The streets also look untidy: trees from the plots hang low over the sidewalks (it is impossible to pass, ripe fruits fall under your feet), the sidewalk is narrowed. The banks of the streams are overgrown. There are no shops in the direction of the state farm, which creates problems with providing food to the population of this part of the city. Elderly people are particularly affected.
Унікальны помнік архітэктуры.
Усім хто хоча паглядзець Гродна і едзе з Мінска - вельмі рэкамендую спыніцца ў Скідэлі.
Гэта вельмі прыгожае і маляўнічае месца.
Атрымаеце шмат эмоцый і прыгожых фотаздымкаў.
We were lost for a very long time, looking for the main attraction - the church. There could have been more pointers. But the church itself is worth looking for