Everything would be fine if all the equipment was working properly at the car wash. Active foam was not applied on the left (the sprayer did not work), apparently, they tried to compensate only by applying it on the right, because the pressure was such that it hit the opposite wall, but foam still did not get on the left side of the machine. And the blowing almost doesn't work. Even the windshield and roof, which are usually blowing the hardest, are wet. The car needs to be completely wiped manually, which is what everyone does on the road. To the employee who worked very clearly during such a busy time, thank you very much.
There are a lot of people during rush hours, but it seems like technology is on the people's side!!! It's not bad for a quick wash! And there would be more of them in Minsk.... There are a lot of dirty cars that don't match the image of the most beautiful city at all!!!
Excellent car wash. Quickly and efficiently. The staff explains everything clearly. + all instructions are duplicated in capital letters. I will definitely use the services of this car wash.