I was here for a corporate party, the hall is large - this is a plus. The food is below the cafe level, you can eat, but it is very tasty. The service is poor, the waiter had to be driven. They noticed how he changed the bottle of cognac. He took ours with excise duty from the bedside table and took it out without excise duty.
The rooms are old and in need of repair. A room was booked in advance, but upon arrival it was not there, I had to spend the night in another room of a lower class
Ничего особенного. Обычный торговый дом. Немного несуразный. Есть уют (дистрибьютор Икеи), магазин спортивного питания, салоны красоты, фитнесс центр, кофейня, оптика.