Вылет с аэродрома Сивица. Направляемся в сторону Березинского биосферного заповедника. Пролетаем над лесами, полями, рекой Березиной. Получаем массу незабываемых эмоций и впечатлений от красоты природы и полета. Возвращаемся на базу.
375 Br45 min
Обзорный полет «Вкус полета»
Взлетаем с аэродрома Сивица и пролетаем над красивыми пейзажами Борисовского района. Наслаждаемся прекрасным видом на реку Березину, лесные массивы и бескрайние поля из просторной кабины Aeroprakt A32. В конце делаем конвейер и приземляемся.
265 Br30 min
Обзорный полет «Знакомство с небом»
Вылет с аэродрома Сивица недалеко от Борисова. Делаем круг вокруг города. Пролетаем над рекой Березиной и любуемся белорусскими пейзажами с высоты. Далее возвращаемся на базу.
Over the years, I have repeatedly come to the airfield in this aero club for sightseeing flights at different times of the year. The team is great - I always left them in a great mood, brought my friends to them. Skyfly - well done guys: they are not only engaged in simple sightseeing flights, but also certifiably teach people to fly from scratch and before obtaining a pilot's license. They only have an office here. The airfield is 85 km from Minsk. By the way, the airfield seems to be its own. They are the hosts of the holiday there :)
It was just incredible! For the holiday, he gave the girl a flight on a Beginner Ace plane, and she became a co-pilot! They explained to us very clearly and calmly how to fly the plane, and she coped with the task! She even helped with the landing! We were completely delighted with the flight, the organizers are amazing! They answered all our questions quickly. We arrived an hour earlier than the specified time, called, and two minutes later we were met at the airfield. I would like to mention our pilot Victor separately - he is a very cheerful and pleasant person, it was a pleasure to go on this incredible adventure over the Berezina with him. If you want to get a lot of positive emotions, I recommend it!