Хожу в данный пк клуб достаточное время, и могу сказать то что клуб поменялся в лучшую сторону, администраторы добрые и отзывчивые, отдельный респект Артуру и Андрею как по моему самые лучшие администраторы но и Олег тоже хорош.
Today, the admin just got zero. Problems with steam, the game was deleted, after almost two hours of waiting, the game was installed, thank God. But the new problem of the video is buggy, it is impossible to play, but the admin doesn't care anymore, I got him with my problems for my own money, I had to leave.
I was disappointed in visiting this club. It seems that the admin does not update games at all, even if I managed to launch any game, it was updated for a long time, so it didn't really work out to play and relax. Even more upsetting was the fact that other visitors constantly swore at the entire booth with a three-story obscenity.
In general, I would not recommend this club to my friends.
However, the only thing that pleased me was that this time the toilet was in working order, unlike my previous visit.